Nearly 60 participants from across the United States came together in Arlington, Virginia for the NADO Research Foundation’s “Afternoon with the CEDS” workshop on March 16, 2022. This workshop provided training on innovative approaches to Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) planning and implementation, best practices and lessons learned, presentations on economic and climate resilience, equity, and outdoor recreation, and opportunities to network. The full agenda is available here.
For more information, contact NADO RF Associate Director Brett Schwartz at [email protected]. Additional CEDS training and resource materials are available at
Welcome & Introductions
Brett Schwartz, Associate Director, NADO Research Foundation
Empowering Regions through the CEDS Process: An Update from EDA
David Ives, Deputy Director, Performance, Research, and National Technical Assistance Division,
U.S. Economic Development Administration
CEDS Best Practice Snapshots
Des Craig, Economic Recovery Coordinator, Western Nevada Development District
Kimberly Mildward, Economic Development Planner, Northwest Missouri Regional COG
Robert Venables, Executive Director, Southeast Conference (AK)
Lindsay Whitson, Community & Economic Development Program Manager, Triangle J COG (NC)
Building a Future Ready Region
Erik Pages, President, EntreWorks Consulting
Incorporating Equity and Economic Inclusion into the CEDS
Amanda Straight, Inclusive Economic Development Advisor, New Growth Innovation Network
Climate Resilience Strategies
Josh Human, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Partnership Coordinator, FEMA
Outdoor Recreation and Tourism as an Economic Driver
Megan McConville, Founder, Park Street Community Solutions
This event was organized as part of the NADO Research Foundation’s Stronger Districts, Stronger Regions program, made possible through Federal funds under award ED20HDQ3030071 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.