The NADO Research Foundation (NADO RF) has created a short, animated video to explain the basic concepts of economic resilience and its connection to regional economic development. The video was designed for a mix of audiences and to be shared across a variety of platforms, including at planning workshops, community events, and board/city council meetings, as well as on regional development organization websites and social media.
NADO RF has embraced a broad and inclusive definition of resilience as the ability of a region or community to anticipate, withstand, and bounce back from any type of shock or disruption. This can include natural disasters, hazards, and the impacts of a changing climate, but also man-made economic shocks such as the closure of a region’s large employer, the decline of an important industry, changes in the workforce, and population shifts. The power of this definition is that it broadens attention from emergency response – how to deal with the immediate impact of a disruptive event – to planning and organizing in advance of a shock or disruption and rebuilding afterwards with a coherent framework.
This video lays out the basics of resilience and is meant to spark a conversation in your own community and region about what resilience means to your residents, businesses, and other local stakeholders.
Be sure to watch the companion video, “Leading the Way on Resilience,” available here.
Please contact NADO RF Associate Director Brett Schwartz with any questions at: [email protected].
Video animation and production by Allison Development Group.
This video was developed as part of NADO RF’s Stronger CEDS, Stronger Regions program, prepared by the NADO Research Foundation using Federal funds under award ED17HDQ3030005 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.