In order to plan for what lies ahead tomorrow, communities and regions need accurate and accessible information today. Since 2008, the goal of StatsAmerica has been to provide actionable data for economic developers and planners to use in site requests, developing metrics, grant writing, and strategic planning. This webinar – available to anyone interested, but designed specifically for nuclear power plant host communities planning for their futures – shared information about the various free tools and resources available from StatsAmerica, a service of the Indiana University Business Research Center (IBRC) in the Kelley School of Business. It included overviews and demos of StatsAmerica’s various tools, including the Anywhere USA Profile, Measuring Distress Tool, Big Radius Tool, and Innovation Index. It also previewed a new tool being created especially for nuclear host communities.
Click here to download the presentation slides (PDF)
If your region is home to a nuclear power plant, you are eligible to receive free technical assistance through the Nuclear Communities Technical Assistance Program funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and staffed by Smart Growth America, the Nuclear Decommissioning Collaborative, the NADO Research Foundation, and the Center for Creative Land Recycling.
No matter where the power plant is in its lifecycle, the program team can provide support with a host of planning, evaluation, and implementation strategies. Click here to learn more about the program and here for a description of services available from the project team.
This effort utilizes Federal funds under award ED20HDQ3030068 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the project team and do not necessarily reflect the views of EDA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.