The sun has set on the NADO Research Foundation’s 2020 Summertime with the CEDS, but all of the recordings from the webinars are available on-demand for viewing anytime below, as well as links to case studies and other materials to support your CEDS process, document, and overall approach to regional economic development. Be sure to also visit for additional information and resources that are updated regularly.
Contact Brett Schwartz at [email protected] with any questions or for more information. Thanks for your interest!
Archived Recordings & Resources
Many economic development districts (EDDs) are using CARES Act funding to hire a disaster recovery coordinator to support with regional economic recovery in response to the pandemic. These positions have tremendous potential to support districts and regions in a variety of ways, including by surveying local businesses, forging partnerships, delivering federal and state updates, interfacing with multiple stakeholder groups, and much more. This virtual conversation featured staff from the Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the Apalachee Regional Planning Council who shared their experiences of having an EDA-funded recovery coordinator position as part of their hurricane recovery efforts. In this session, you’ll hear more about these positions, what you should look for in a recovery coordinator, what responsibilities and roles they can play, and lessons learned for how best to deploy a coordinator as part of your COVID-19 economic recovery strategy. Click the video above the watch the recording.
Over the last half-century, the economy has changed dramatically, as have many communities and regions. However despite these changes, in many places the approaches and policies for doing economic development have not changed – often setting us back in our efforts to build more prosperous and resilient communities. During this webinar, two experts from Ball State University, Michael Hicks, director of the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, and David Terrell, director of the Indiana Communities Institute and RUPRI Center for State Policy, presented research that documents these changes, pointed towards different approaches we should consider, and shared how best to incorporate some of these themes into your region’s CEDS. Click the video above to watch the recording. Click here to download the presentation slides.
This webinar (held in conjunction with the National Regional Transportation Conference) featured how two regional organizations have incorporated resilience into transportation and economic development planning. Bi-State Regional Commission (serving parts of Illinois and Iowa) has applied a Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework process to identify vulnerable and critical facilities in the Quad Cities related to extreme weather and its impacts on the area transportation system, and has also included adaptation strategies in its Long Range Transportation Plan update. The Houston-Galveston Area Council developed a Regional Economic Resilience Plan in 2018 that analyzed threats and proposed solutions to help the regional and county economies bounce back more quickly from disruptions, including from natural disasters, downturns in the economy, or the loss of a major employer. It also created an economic profile for each of the region’s thirteen counties, detailing land use and demographics, housing, commute patterns, and much more. Click the video above to watch the recording. Click here to download the presentation slides.
Are you wondering how best to integrate climate resilience into your CEDS? The Geos Institute has been working with local leaders for 12 years to help them understand the impacts of a changing climate and build community resilience in the face of those changes. Its Climate Ready Communities program is an “assisted do-it-yourself” framework designed to help communities complete climate resilience plans on their own or with limited assistance. This webinar discussed this program as well as how it can be adapted to help economic development districts and other regional organizations integrate climate resilience into their CEDS planning processes. Click the video above to watch the recording. Click here to download the presentation slides. Click here to access the Geos Institute’s free “Practical Guide to Building Climate Resilience.”
The coronavirus pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the world economy. In response, Burning Glass Technologies is using its database of more than a billion current and historical job postings to measure the economic shock and how it affects the job market. During this webinar, Joel Simon from Burning Glass shared observations and analyses derived through real-time employer demand data on impacted industries and occupations, discussed factors influencing economic recovery, and explained how this data can support your CEDS planning efforts. Click the video above to watch the recording. Click here to download the presentation slides. Click here to access the report “Filling the Lifeboats: Getting Americans Back to Work During the Pandemic” discussed during the webinar.
Many organizations are taking their CEDS to the next level by hosting them online, creating opportunities for better design, more use of images, video, and graphics, and the ability to easily update data and information. Esri Story Maps let you combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content, making it easy to harness the power of maps and geography to tell your region’s story. This webinar includes presentations from Esri staff who gave a demo and discussed ways to utilize the Story Map platform to host your CEDS as well as a presentation from staff at the Land of Sky Regional Council that published its most recent CEDS as a Story Map. Click the video above to watch the recording.
Resource Links:
- StoryMaps website
- StoryMaps resources for NADO collection
- Living Atlas mapping and data resources
- StoryMaps Weekly Waypoint (StoryMaps news)
- Land of Sky Regional Council online CEDS
The National Association of Counties (NACo) County Explorer is a one-stop-shop for data and profiles for each of the country’s 3,069 counties. This mapping tool provides easy access to the latest available data, with hundreds of indicators across categories ranging from county economies to policy issues, including transportation, finance, infrastructure, energy, health, public safety and much more. Click the video above to watch the recording. This webinar is also part of NADO RF’s Data Deep Dive webinar series.
This 15-minute webinar briefing from the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s David Ives discusses key features of the CEDS Content Guidelines, how to integrate the CEDS into Opportunity Zones efforts, and how the CEDS serves as a foundation for EDA’s CARES Act funding. Click the video above to watch the recording and click here to access the presentation slides.
Much uncertainty lies ahead as communities and regions begin to recover from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though there is no playbook for this current situation, lessons learned from other long-term recovery efforts can serve as a foundation to plan for the future. The NADO Research Foundation hosted Erik Pages, founder of EntreWorks Consulting, for a presentation about how communities can recover from economic shocks over the long-term. Topics highlighted included economic diversification, business assistance, entrepreneurship, talent development, improved infrastructure and amenities, and much more. Click the video above to watch the recording (Note: there are audio difficulties from minute 41:30 to 43:10). Click here for more information and presentation slides.
- Our latest “CEDS in Action” case study features how Southeast Conference and other partners are supporting Alaskan mariculture and lifting up new and emerging businesses. Mariculture offers such promising economic and environmental benefits to coastal communities in Alaska that various organizations in the state have been working together with government offices towards the goal of growing this sector into a $100 million industry in 20 years. These efforts have also become one of the centerpieces of Southeast Alaska’s CEDS, bringing together a mix of partners to transform the regional economy and create new opportunities for residents, businesses, and communities. Click here to read the case study.
- Region 9 Economic Development District of SW Colorado hired a Recovery Coordinator to support with economic recovery following the 2015 Gold King Mine spill. This position, funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, subsequently supported with responses to future disasters, including wildfires, an avalanche, and a rockslide. Click here to read the case study.
Additional Resources
CEDS Central serves as the Resource and Training Archive for materials developed by the NADO Research Foundation as part of its Stronger CEDS, Stronger Regions program, funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The free materials archived there include reports, case studies, videos, webinars, and presentation materials on planning, developing, and implementing the CEDS. New staff working on the CEDS for the very first time as well as more seasoned veterans of the process should find these resources useful and relevant to their work. Click here to visit CEDS Central.
The RDO Resource Center is updated regularly with resources relevant to regional development organizations (RDOs) during this challenging time. The resource page contains the latest information, funding opportunities, and training resources to support your recovery efforts. Click here to visit the Resource Center.
“Summertime with the CEDS” is presented as part of the NADO Research Foundation’s Stronger CEDS, Stronger Regions program, funded through a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration,U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Economic Development Administration or the U.S. Department of Commerce.