On January 26, NADO joined the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the U.S. Chamber’s Business Civic Leadership Council (BCLC) in hosting a webinar on post-disaster, long-term economic recovery. The event provided preliminary guidance on the funding priorities and requirements for EDA’s FY2012 appropriations of $200 million for long-term disaster recovery. This money is restricted to areas receiving a major FEMA disaster designations during FY2011.
The webinar also featured three case studies from Denny Coleman of the St. Louis County Economic Council, Tish Hass Williams of the Hancock County Chamber of Commerce (MS), and Janet Thigpen of the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board (NY). In addition, Carrie Mulcaire of IEDC provided a basic overview of available post-disaster recovery resources from IEDC and RestoreYourEconomy.org.
Click Here to watch the entire presentation. (Windows Media Player)
Speaker Powerpoints:
- Joshua Barnes, EDA Disaster Recovery Coordinator (pdf)
- Denny Coleman, President & CEO, St. Louis County Economic Council (pdf)
- Tish Hass Williams, Executive Director, Hancock County Chamber of Commerce (pdf)
- Janet Thigpen, Flood Mitigation Specialist, Southern Tier Central Planning & Development Board (pdf)
- Carrie Mulcaire, Director of Federal Grants, IEDC