Over 50 participants from across the country came together in Arlington, Virginia for the second annual “An Afternoon with the CEDS” workshop on March 20, 2019. This workshop provided training on innovative approaches to Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) planning and implementation, an opportunity to share successes and best practices, and a collaborative space to trouble-shoot challenges in small groups. The full agenda is available here. For more information, contact NADO Associate Director Brett Schwartz at [email protected]. Additional CEDS training and resource materials are available at www.CEDSCentral.com.
Welcome / Introductions / Goal-setting
– Brett Schwartz, Associate Director, NADO Research Foundation
CEDS Best Practice Snapshots
These short presentations shared innovative and effective approaches to CEDS planning, outreach, and implementation.
– Erica Anderson, Economic & Community Development Director, Land of Sky Regional Council, Asheville, NC
– Kirk Bustrom, Senior Planner, Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission, Appleton, MN
– Jeff Holt, Board Member, Eastern UP Regional Planning and Development Commission, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
– Dorthy Jackson, Regional and Economic Development Manager, Heart of Texas Economic Development District, Waco, TX
– Daniel Martin, Economic and Community Development Director, Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, Gainesville, GA
Strengthening Your Region’s Resilience through Economic Diversification
This session explored how regions can better position themselves for resilience by embracing economic diversification strategies that identify local assets, build and attract talent, support entrepreneurship, and more.
– Erik Pages, President, Entreworks Consulting, Arlington, VA
Peer Consulting and Problem Solving
Tapping into the knowledge and expertise of all workshop attendees, participants served as both consultant and client in an interactive “Troika Consulting” session. In groups of three, attendees shared challenges, problem-solved together, and discovered new approaches to strengthening their CEDS.
– Brett Schwartz, Associate Director, NADO Research Foundation

This workshop was organized as part of the NADO Research Foundation’s Stronger CEDS, Stronger Regions program, made possible through Federal funds under award ED17HDQ3030005 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.