NADO, the NADO Research Foundation, and RPO America are pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Excellence in Regional Transportation Awards. The awards program honors recognizes noteworthy projects and practices in rural, small metropolitan, and other regions that help meet regional needs through various program areas related to transportation, mobility, goods movement, planning and analysis, and more. The 2022 award winners include:
Alamo Area Council of Governments, Soldier Recovery Unit Transportation (Texas)
Southern Georgia Regional Commission, Traffic Enforcement for Bicycle Safety (Georgia)
Southern Geogia Regional Commission, New Regional and Small Urban Public Transit Implementation in Southern Georgia (Georgia)
Panhandle Regional Planning Commission, 2022 Regionally Coordinated Public Transportation Plan – Texas Panhandle (Texas)
Cumberland Valley Area Development District, City of Corbin Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan (Kentucky)
Iowa Department of Transportation, Transportation Accessibility / Mobility Analysis (Iowa)
Upper Savannah Council of Governments, Regional Transit Partnership and Expansion (South Carolina)
North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, Bridge Conditions Dashboard for Regional Planning Tool (Pennsylvania)
Bi-State Regional Commission, Upper Mississippi River Ports – Port Statistical Area Interactive Mapping Project (Illinois)
Southern Georgia Regional Commission, How to Create Low Impact Development Policies for Transportation Projects within MPO Planning Areas (Georgia)
Barren River Area Development District, Barren River Regional Transportation Dashboard (Kentucky)
Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Meeting Your Communities’ Needs through Mobility Management (Florida)