With support from the Federal Highway Administration, the NADO Research Foundation held a special symposium session during the 2010 – 2013 National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conferences. Each year, the symposium was designed to showcase the efforts of rural and small metropolitan regional transportation planning organizations and their partners, such as state departments of transportation, that are leveraging partnerships to create innovative programs that have beneficial impacts on the communities, regions, and states that they serve. Attendees had opportunities to ask questions of presenters and to share information with their peers about their own programs and issues. For more information, please view the proceedings from each event below.
2013 RPO America Peer Symposium (Greenville, South Carolina)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning in Rural Regions, Jack Cebe and Jean Crowther, Alta Planning + Design (SC)
- Improved Transportation through Statewide Collaboration, Chris Cummings, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Rural Mobility Planning for Everyone, Patricia Steed, Central Florida Regional Planning Council
- Using GIS to Improve Decision Making and Project Tracking, Paul Black, French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization/Land-of-Sky Regional Council (NC)
- Speakers’ PowerPoint Presentations
2012 RPO America Peer Symposium (Burlington, Vermont)
- Watch a recording of the full symposium
- Wind Turbines and the Transportation Network, Annette Bair, Southwest Regional Development Commission (MN)
- RPC Involvement in the Recovery of Vermont’s Transportation Network After Tropical Storm Irene, Katharine Otto, Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission (VT)
- Highway Department Timesheet Program, Rita Seto, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (VT)
- Sustainable Eastern Connecticut, Mark Paquette, Windham Regional Council of Governments and Ken Livingston, Fitzgerald & Halliday (CT)
- The Northern Maine Rail Initiative, Alain Ouellette, Northern Maine Development Commission
- The Alabama Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, Jeff Pruitt, Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments
2011 RPO America Peer Symposium (Washington, DC)
- Regional and State Planning Partnerships to Shape Policy, Planning, and Projects in Maine, David Cole, David Cole Consulting
- Merging Transportation and Economic Development Plans, Doug Elliott, East-Central Iowa Council of Governments
- Integrating Land Use, Transportation, and Economic Development at SEDA-COG, Jim Saylor, SEDA-Council of Governments (PA)
- Addressing Transportation and Housing to Meet Demographic Change and Local Needs, Will Cockrell, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (VA)
- Proactive Air Quality Efforts in Illinois and Iowa, Gena McCullough, Bi-State Regional Commission (IL/IA)
- Linking Employment Clusters and Ridesharing Options, Scott Turnoy, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (OR/WA)
- Raising Local Funds through a Regional Sales Tax Initiative in Georgia, Robert Hiett, Three Rivers Regional Commission (GA)
2010 National Symposium for RPOs and MPOs: Assessing the Structure and Benefits of Collaboration (St. Louis, Missouri) (PDF link)
- Kevin Keith, Director, Missouri Department of Transportation
- Jeanne Stevens, Tennessee Department of Transportation
- Craig O’Riley, Iowa Department of Transportation
- Joe McKinney, Land-of-Sky Regional Council (NC)
- Tom Piper, South Alabama Regional Planning Commission
This work is supported by the Federal Highway Administration under contract number DTFH61-10-C-00050 through the NADO Research Foundation (www.RuralTransportation.org). Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of FHWA or the NADO Research Foundation.
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